Emergency Plumbing Repair
Examples When to Call an Emergency Plumbing Service (and When Not To)
Did you know that a plumbing emergency, if not handled properly, can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home? This is especially the case if you experience flooding damage, which can cause up to $7 of damage per square foot of your home.
If you’re currently experiencing a plumbing problem, then you’re probably trying to decide whether you should call an emergency plumbing service. You might be asking yourself questions such as:
“How do I know if this is a plumbing emergency?”
“If I call in an emergency plumbing service, what can I do to avoid damage in the meantime?”
If you don’t know the answers to these questions and aren’t able to traverse parts of your home because of your plumbing problem, you’re probably very stressed. You might also be worried about how much this is all going to cost you.
That’s why we’ve put together this article. By helping you understand what a plumbing emergency is and what to do if you’re experiencing one, you can handle your plumbing problem appropriately. Read on to learn more.
What’s Considered an Emergency Plumbing Situation
An example of an emergency plumbing situation is one that you can’t fix yourself and that will cause major damage to your home. One example that’s definitely an emergency is if you are experiencing a flood in your home. For one thing, the flood can cause damage to the entirety of your home, damaging walls, carpets, and it’s very structure.
Additionally, your plumbing system flooding causes a health hazard.
This is because any water that’s mixed with sewage has bacteria and other harmful elements that can cause you and your family to get sick. Whether it’s a small flood or your entire first floor is filled with water, flooding is an emergency plumbing situation.
Common Emergency Plumbing Situations
Now that we’ve covered what’s considered an emergency plumbing situation, we’ll review some of the most common emergency plumbing situations. This way, you’ll know if you have an emergency on your hands and can call an emergency plumbing service ASAP.
Sewer Line Backing Up
One of the most common emergency plumbing situations is a sewer line backing up. When this happens, there’s a clog inside your sewer line. This creates a health hazard because sewage is toxic. If the clog is bad enough, you might end up with burst pipes. If your pipes burst, then the sewage can get everywhere, endangering the health of you and your family.
Additionally, when your sewer line is backed up, you also can’t use many of the appliances in your home, your toilet, your shower, and your sinks. Even though this doesn’t make a plumbing problem an emergency, it does get in the way of your everyday life.
Burst Pipe Risk
Another problem that requires emergency plumbing repair is the risk of a burst pipe. This is because burst pipes can cause floods, which wreak havoc on your home. If you have a frozen pipe, which can happen often in the winter, then water can’t go through it. This means that your water can’t properly flow through your plumbing systems.
As a result, the water will gather inside the pipe, expanding until it bursts the pipe. Then, your home floods. This is why a frozen pipe, even though it may not seem that dangerous when looking at it, can cause serious plumbing issues.
No Running Water
Another plumbing problem that requires an emergency plumber to come in is if you have no running water. This is because this is also a safety concern. Because you can’t use the water in your home, you risk having sanitation issues. You won’t be able to cook and clean properly, which means you and your family’s health will be at risk.
Additionally, having no running water is inconvenient.
The sooner you deal with these plumbing problems by getting in touch with emergency plumbers near you, the sooner you’ll be able to return to your ordinary life. You won’t have to take all your showers at the gym before work anymore.
A Burst Pipe
Another problem that requires emergency plumbing repair is a burst pipe. If you don’t deal with this immediately—whether it’s happened in the morning while you’re getting ready for work or in the middle of the night—then your home can become flooded.
As we’ve mentioned, flooding can cause serious damage to your home. In addition to this, flooding can also cause mold to grow in your home. A mold problem can have health consequences that affect you and your family. So, if you have a burst pipe, get in touch with Atomic Plumbing’s 24-hour emergency plumbing service immediately.
Common Causes of Emergency Plumbing Situations and How to Avoid Them
Now that we’ve reviewed some of the most common emergency plumbing situations, we’ll review what it is that’s causing them. That way, you can know how to avoid them in the future. From your water not running to not having hot water, we’ll review the causes of these problems and how to avoid them.
No Running Water
No running water can be caused by two things. One of these is a severe leak. To avoid severe leaks, we recommend you have a plumber come in regularly to do maintenance on your pipes. Additionally, during the winter, make sure that your pipes won’t freeze over.
This can cause them to crack, creating a leak.
Another cause of no running water might be because of a larger issue going on in your neighborhood. Speak with your neighbors and with Atomic Plumbing to find out if there’s a local water issue affecting your home.
Overflowing Toilet
Another problem that requires plumbing repair is an overflowing toilet. While a clogged toilet is annoying, one that’s overflowing can cause dirty water to spread in your bathroom. In addition to causing flooding, this water is full of bacteria. So you might experience not only damage to your home but also to your health.
Drain clogs are the usual reason for overflowing toilets.
However, it’s better for you to call Atomic Plumbing who is available 24 hours a day to fix this problem. This is because the water can be damaging to your health and because the clog can be difficult to reach.
No Hot Water
Another common plumbing issue that’s an emergency is if you don’t have hot water. Even though this might not seem like an emergency, it actually can be, depending on its cause. One of the most serious causes of no hot water is that you have a plumbing leak. This leak can get worse and create flooding.
Less serious causes of not having hot water are issues with your utility company and your water heater malfunctioning. However, because plumbing emergencies such as flooding can be the cause, you should get in touch with an emergency plumber ASAP.
What Are Some of the Things You Should Not Call an Emergency Plumber For?
Of course, there are plumbing issues that you don’t have to deal with right away. Not everything is an emergency! You don’t have to get in touch with 24-hour customer service at an emergency plumbing business if you need a minor repair, such as a clogged toilet or a leaking faucet.
There are other plumbing services you should get done that aren’t emergencies. These include regular maintenance that prevents problems, such as flushing your water heater.
These also include installing appliances, inspections, remodeling work, and fixing drain clogs.
What Can You Do To Limit Damage Before Help Arrives?
If you’re experiencing a plumbing emergency, and you want to limit the damage before help arrives, there are some things you can do. By managing these situations, you can avoid issues caused by flooding, for example.
Turn Off the Water Source
The first thing you should do before your plumber’s arrived is to turn off the water source that is causing the problem. That way, you can stop any additional damage from being done. This is especially important if you’re experiencing flooding in your home because of the plumbing issue.
Turn Off Any Heating Devices
If your plumbing issue is caused by a heating device, then turning it off will help ameliorate the issue. Additionally, by doing this, you’ll avoid getting burns from the hot water or pressure building up.
Remove Immediate Clogs
If you’re able to deal with the clog yourself, do so. However, if it’s a clog that’s deep down in a pipe, you might make the problem worse. In this case, wait for the plumber. Once they’ve arrived on time, they can handle it. Additionally, don’t remove a clog from your garbage disposal since this can be dangerous.
Isolate Leaks
If you’re dealing with a leak, then we recommend you isolate it as best as you can. To do this, put a bucket under where the water is coming out of, so it doesn’t spread throughout your home and cause more damage. Additionally, clean up the area around the leak so there’s less damage and you won’t slip.
What Are Some of the Things an Emergency Plumber Should Do Once They Arrive?
Once an emergency plumber arrives at your home, there are several things they should do so that your problem is fixed quickly and so you know how much you’ll pay for their services. Here are the different steps the emergency plumber will take.
Assess the Situation
The first thing the plumber will do is take a look at your emergency. They will determine what the problem is, what’s causing it, and how to stop it. Additionally, they will let you know about any potential damage that might occur.
For example, if there are going to be potential mold issues, they can give you tips on how to manage the problem even after they’ve fixed your plumbing system.
Give You an Estimate
Once the emergency plumber has assessed the situation, they can come up with an estimate of how much everything is going to cost. That way, you can give them the go-ahead before they get to work. Depending on your budget, you might be able to afford one solution over another.
Do the Work and Finish Up
Once you’ve agreed to the price of the service, the plumber will go ahead and do the work needed to fix your plumbing issue. After they’ve fixed the problem, they might give you some tips or make additional repairs so that the problem doesn’t happen again in the near future.
Then, they’ll clean up the area that they’ve worked in.
As an Emergency Plumbing Service, We Can Help
Now that you know when you should (and shouldn’t) call an emergency plumbing service, you might find that you need to call one. If that’s the case, then you should use us as your emergency plumber. Atomic can handle any plumbing problem at any time of day or night, and we’re available 365 days a year.
In addition to being professionals, we have excellent customer service and can help you with your emergency until one of our plumbers arrives. To get in touch and fix your plumbing issue ASAP, contact us here.